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07-20-09, 08:36 PM   #1
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 37
Lightbulb [Request] Supplemental KeyUp/KeyDown Bar Mod

I've been informed this is possible by Alestane (MVP of the WoW forums) and I think it could be really useful, I'll do my best to explain:

The purpose of all this is twofold: 1) Reduce the number of buttons needed by some classes by combining a few of them into a single keybind, and 2) Add additional flexibility to spellcasting with regard to macro conditionals and especially targeting.

Some mods, such as Macaroon have the ability to trigger casts based on pressing a button rather than releasing it (KeyDown vs KeyUp), my idea is to have a bar mod which responds to both actions differently. When pressing the button you would trigger Spell1, and when releasing it you would trigger Spell2 (or Macro1 & Macro2, etc). The basic premise is simple, but the uses are near limitless, here are some examples:

Simple AOE (Frost):
Down: /cast Blizzard
Up: /cast [nochanneling] Frostbolt
Useage: Press and hold to bring up targeting circle for Blizzard, click to cast, else release to cast Frostbolt normally.

Simple AOE (Fire):
Down: /cast Flamestrike
Up: /cast Fireball
Useage: Same as above, [nochanneling] not required since its a normal cast fireball will fail if you activate flamestrike. This same principle can be extended to any ground targeted AoE.

Flexible Healing:
Down: /cast [target=none] Holy Light
Up: /cast [target=mouseover, help, nodead][target=player] Holy Light
Useage: Since [target=none] and [target=player] always result in a valid condition they cannot normally be used in the same macro as one would never fire - this way you are first given the opportunity to click a target to heal them, if you release the button without selecting a target you heal your mouseover target or yourself. Useful for all healing spells and could be adapted to things like Dispel and Holy Shock, depending on preference.

Down: /cast [target=mouseover, exists, nodead][exists, nodead][target=player] Holy Shock
Up: /cast [target=mouseover, help, nodead][exists, nodead][target=player] Flash of Light
Usage: Cast HS no matter what, then if you get a crit wait 1.5 seconds and release the button to instant heal your target with FoL - just a shortcut for something people already do. In any situation where an ability may be triggered by another ability, simply holding the key for a moment would let you trigger the secondary ability from the same button as a sort of 1 button 2 ability castsequence that always resets.

Essentially, any spell or macro combo can be used if you can think of a way to chain them together in a productive manner. Any ground targeted AoE or macro with [target=none] (or a conditional that can fail) can be spammed without triggering the GCD so your DownKey's will not effect your rotations unless you specifically activate them (in most cases by holding down the button and clicking). This mod only needs to have about 5 button slots to be useful (though 10 would be great), preferably independantly movable just so as to be blended in with the rest of the UI. Basic functionality could be achieved by having the normal WoW macro's be drag/dropable onto the bar, with a slot for Up and Down - that by itself would be enough. Anything further would just be icing on the cake.

In my dreams this would be a built in function of Macaroon, but that may be beyond the scope of that project, and Maul seems to be MIA at the moment anyway. Alas...

Technical Stuff:

This means nothing to me but Alestane provided it as the basics of what would need to be done to make this work, hope it helps anyone interested in taking up this as a project:

button:SetAttribute("downbutton", "keydown")

button:SetAttribute("spell", "Holy Shock")

button:SetAttribute("unit", "mouseover")

button:SetAttribute("type", "target")

button:SetAttribute("*unit-keydown", "none")

button:SetAttribute("*type-keydown", "spell")

button:RegisterForClicks("AnyDown", "AnyUp")
Link to thread:

Thank you for considering this!
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