Thread: Pally Buffs
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10-01-09, 09:53 PM   #26
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 16
Originally Posted by seschu01 View Post
I have started working on a Pally Power panel. It may be a bit tricky based on some of the stuff I have been seeing in the PP code but I think I can have it up soon to demo.

The only problem is I am trying to optimize this thing for raiding and having a heck of a time trying to decide how to implement it. I am thinking about doing some major review of code and see if I can use the left and right panels at the same time and just float the chat logs. Just a thought atm though.
It does indeed look tricky. It would have to have a button for each class, that could be changed depending on what pally power was boradcasting from others. Mayhap it would be more feasable to make an infopanel like carbonites, so that it just hides PP when not selected? May be much easier than trying to reinvent the wheel there.