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10-10-09, 04:51 PM   #1
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 133
Windows 7 is actually worth it.

I'm now dual-booted Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit & Kubuntu Linux v9.10 and let me tell you, there's not a whole lot Windows 7 doesn't have to offer just about everyone. I'm a Linux Fanboy myself but am very impressed with Windows 7.

I've got it's Final installed and activated (friend sells their software) and when you add Stardock's Object Dock to Windows 7, you've got one 'Ultimate' experience... lol, made myself giggle at that stupid Pun.

Anywho, just thought I would put it out there that Windows 7 definitely meets it's hype. It's visually not much different than Vista and can be easily customized using Stardock's WindowBlinds 7. I would recommend the 32bit for Software Compatability, but 64bit'll do just fine for your average PC users.

The main reason I enjoy Windows 7 is it's astounding performance increase over Vista. Using the same exact system, both 32bit and Ultimate versions of Vista & 7, I notice immediately the crisp responsiveness of 7 and how nice it is. I receive approximately 5 to 8 more FPS in WoW alone!
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