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11-10-09, 11:05 PM   #22
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 10
oe. awesome feedback.
Well, here is the thing. I know blizz wont like it if people try and make money out of their game, and i cant blame them however up to this point i only thoroughly glanced at the eula you see as player and never took the time to look up the eula surrounding addons.

Cool, if that's the rules of the game, understandable.
but im not giving up quite easy tho ;p

hypothetically, what about semi-linked things
example you have a nice clear standalone addon, (its not it, but as plausible example that you can relate to) for example a dkp addon .
it also features a export button that writes the log to file or a window that you can copy paste from.
you on the other hand also supply a website (but 'forget' to advertise that in the actual addon) where ppl can interact (no ofc not live interaction with the game, lol) with the data you get from the addon, and this website is not critical to the addon, it wont break the rules of the addon, but they just fit snug together. and you make the website free/donation based for basic usability. but maybe a small fee for an extended, more feature based version.

4. It is also quite possible that you have not seen anything like your idea because it is not possible to accomplish.
from what i can tell, it is possible, but for some strange reason it hasn't been done - afaik.

Originally Posted by shkm View Post
This, especially. WoW has been out for a long time, and chances are anything that could see large scale success, like QuestHelper or Carbonite, has already been created. There are smaller innovations every now and then which really do make you wonder why no one thought of them before (I'm looking at you, VirtualPlates) but for the most part everything that doesn't fill a very tiny niche or is not possible has already been made.

This is, of course, not to say that there is no chance that your idea will be a great one.

In regards to revenue, you can go ahead and look at some hugely successful addons and see only meager donations. That is the only revenue you may make, and it certainly doesn't add up to the dev hours clocked to create such an addon.
I agree, it should have been there. I havent found it. i'm definitely certain it is not a tiny niche since it is not a gui change that adds a sparkle here or there. It's a solid concept but the category it fits in doesn't even exist on most addon websites.

and the comment about revenue, yes i had known in advance a standalone addon wont ever be made with the sole intent to make a profit, and a lot will struggle to run break even. and im not delusional in thinking i can change that however, if the addon suggests to fill a demand, is deployable as seperate addon and could be semi-linked to a website that does more. heck, for all i care the idea and website is applicable for more mmorpg's.. or, maybe it already does and im being paranoid and not eager to explain it all straight away.

ironically i know just talking it over and not wanting to tell too much is tempting your speculation and imagination of what it can be, and i've already said enough to get the ball rolling, i know..

so aside a lua coder.. maybe is there also a web developer around here looking for something to do ?

Last edited by coz752 : 11-10-09 at 11:30 PM.
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