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12-10-09, 02:30 AM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jul 2007
Posts: 6
I think I may be losing my mind.

First and foremost, to all those authors and moderators and admins,

-I follow directions.
-I read up as much as I can
-I've searched high and low.

I know that this is mostly my own fault, and I take full responsibility for being stupid enough to unravel the settings of the UI's I download,

but how come no one ever explains how to go from the kind of addon screen-vomit from StuF to the nice, polished. Mazzle-esque unit frames [With the vertical health and power bars, and centered target//player portrait.]

Every search of "StuF tutorial" ends up with nothing.

Basically, I want my ui to be as close to Mazzle or ArkiveUI's was,
but my resolution is 1025x768. And I'm pretty sure it's not widescreen.

And, before you ask "Wait, you take UI's and unravel them?" Sort of, only when it comes to unitframes. GeminiUI has served me well, but since it's not been updated yet, I tried GrimUI.

Holy crap, it was just too much. I would've stayed with GrimUI had there been an obvious button, somewhere that said "Hey! is your UI screwed up? click this button to drag those unit frames to where you want them!" But for the life of me, I couldn't find it and the red-and-yellow color scheme made my eyes water.

So, here are my actual questions.

-How do I go about editing unit frames so that they have vertical health and power bars, with a centered portrait?
-Has anyone made a tweakable addon that is JUST those unitframes with their settings already configured to look like the Mazzle frames?

Is it possible to find something like that, download it, and not have to worry about it ever again?

Am I making any sense?
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