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12-26-09, 12:52 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 2
Lightbulb "Time Attack" Instance Speed-Run Timer

I'm an avid heroic dungeon speed runner, looking to keep track of my fastest runs, and possibly run average times and slowest times per dungeon.

I'm looking for an addon that will record my instance/dungeon/raid clear times.

I've managed to do this so far by using stopwatch(blizz ui) upon entering an instance, and then recording the data in a macro manually.

During my play today, in at least half of the groups (20~) I've been in at least one player per group has told me that they thought it was a cool addon.
I don't actually have an addon, mind you, but here is the macro that I've been reporting to my party before we begin our runs.

/p -- High Scores, 5 man heroics -- (Time Attack)
/p [AN- 12:36] [CoS- 23:53] [DtK- 15:15] [Gun- 13:57] [HoL- 16:24] [HoR- 21:30] [Nex- 15:05] [Oc- 15:54] [OK- 23:37] [UK- 14:27] [UP- 17:25] [VH- 14:58]
An addon for this would..
- Track start-finish instance clear times, per instance
- Report to designated channels (Party, guild, whisper, etc.)
- Notify when you've broken a record
- Display average run times per instance
- Show a timer / ability to announce time elapsed thus far, announce on instance completion

Optional features..
- Fastest/average boss kill times (DBM does this)
- Data sharing between different users
-- Leaderboard/friends "High score" list
- Calculate the average time spent per badge from each instance, showing which instances are optimal for you to run (I just random, but knowing which is best: gundrak, AN = COOL! Beyond those two, I have no idea)

Is there an addon like this out there?
How would I go about requesting such work be done?
I'm not good enough to program something like this myself, even though it sounds like a basic premise.
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