Thread: game crash
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02-14-10, 04:30 PM   #19
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by spiel2001 View Post
I'm curious -- if you ran with only nUI, nUI_InfoPanel_Stats, Recount and Omen for a while (just as a test case) do you still get the game crash?

It's interesting to me that all three cases I know of that this happened on are Windows 7 installations.

Took me a few days going through most of the permutations I could think of and MY conclusion is, that it has nothing to do with nUI.

With or without nUI, the WoW performance always starts to deteriorate AFTER a long series of dungeons (all performing like a charm) and then stone or fly back to DALARAN. After a few yards running and especially after TURNING my character around, the screen starts to stagger and the UI disappears.

If I ignore this, after 20-30 seconds, WoW will crash with an error in one of the CPP modules (memory allocation error - trying to allocate roughly 4GB of memory).

If I exit the game and restart, everything is fine again.

With or without nUI - this pattern is always the same and reproducible.

I sent this report to Blizzard.

So far ..
