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03-20-06, 05:58 AM   #44
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Originally Posted by Farook
After yesterdays test run, there came up two questions for me:

1.) Sometimes I get warnings about expiring blessings, but the remaining time of them was above the time I set when I want to get a warning (30s). For example I was told that 'Bless XY" is expiring in 30 seconds, but "Bless XY" still was about to run for more than 4 minutes. Couldn't figure out yet in what situation this happens.... as soon as I know more about it, I'll gonna give you a notice.
Hmmm, Blessings will only tell you that blessings are going to expire, not which blessings specifically will be expiring, and it should be consistent about it, since it keeps track of when it cast each buff on each player. Do you perhaps have another addon that is warning you about expiring buffs or something? Also, if you mouseover the Blessings tooltip it should tell you how long until the earliest blessing will expire (which may be very different to when the last blessing will expire, especially if you have a mixture of normal and greater blessings).

Originally Posted by Farook
2.) In my guild, we do bless by Class, and each Blessing is shared by 2 Palas (eg. I cast 'Blessing of Light" on Warriors, Mages, Druids and Priests; another Paladin does "BoL" on the remaining classes). And we decided on just to use greater blessings, due to saving of time. So far, so good....

Maybe/Definitely I am just too stupid, but I couldn't figure out how to cast a specific Greater Blessing only on certain classes (eg. as mentioned above). I managed to cast the normal (5min) blessings, but couldn't find a way so that it uses the 15min-buffs. I'll find out myself in one of the next raids, for sure... but maybe you can give me the hint I overlooked earlier.
Blessings will automatically use greater blessings provided:
1. You have turned on using greater blessings in the options menu (default is use greater blessing, for class or master blessings only, and only in raids).
2. You have enough Symbols of Kings (the reagent required to cast a greater blessing).
3. That you are using the normal per-class (or master) assignments for your blessings.
Note that for (2), if the name in is wrong for the Symbol of Kings, then Blessings may think you have none, which might be why its not working for you. If you want to check that, you can edit Blessings.lua and change line 1023 from:
    return symbolCount;
    ChatFrame1:AddMessage("DEBUG: symbolCount is "..symbolCount);
    return symbolCount;
That will enable you to see how many Symbols of Kings that Blessings thinks you have. (It should print that message out when you start a new blessings sequence.

If (1) and (2) are correct for you, let me describe how you might setup Blessings to do greater blessings in your raid as per your example, where you are doing BoL on Druids, Mages, Priests, and Warriors:
i. Set your master blessing to Blessing of Light, and enable it. (You'll see that everyone in your window is now assigned BoL). Alternatively you could set the blessings for the Druid, Mage, Priest, and Warrior classes to BoL manually in the Class and Player Settings section. Don't do this by assigning each player manually - always change it via the master or per class blessing if you want greater blessings to be used.
ii. Clear the checkboxes next to Hunter, Paladin, Rogue, and Warlock in the Class and Player Settings section, since you don't want to be casting your blessing on these. (You'll see the names of players of those classes will now be grey in your targets and blessings window).
iii. Clear the Pets flag in the Group FIltering section (unless you want to be casting individual blessings of might and wisdom on each of the pets ).
iv. Cast your blessings! You should see them come up as greater blessings.
v. If you want to rebuff everyone's greater blessings early, you'll need to hit the Reset button on the Blessings window, since if you don't Blessings will either ignore you (everyone has the blessing already) or will use individual blessings instead. Think of Blessings as having a pretend cooldown timer on its greater blessings usage, which you can reset when you need to. (I typically hit Reset after a wipe, or if I know I need to refresh everyone's blessings even if they still have 10 minutes on them).

Note that if you don't turn off the Pets flag in raids, you will do your greater blessings on the players, but will also do blessing of might/wisdom as individual blessings on each pet. Usually that is also assigned only to one paladin (if any at all), but its useful to remember to turn it off (since otherwise you'll get reminders for the pets blessings expiring even though everyone else's greater blessing hasn't expired yet).

Hope that helps,
-- Cirk
Cirk's Addons
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