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03-28-06, 12:48 PM   #6
Jack's raging bile duct
Kaelten's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 782
- Fragments for the quest Uncovering the Past in the Wetlands are now
easier to find.
- Magma Elementals in the Searing Gorge can now drop the Heart of Flame
quest item.
- Dire Maul library book quests are no longer repeatable.
- Drop frequencies for Tactical Task Briefing V and Logistics Task
Briefing XI have been improved considerably. These were needed for
the Mark of Cenarius and the Mark of Remulos, their drop rates are
now comparable to the other task briefings.

Raids & Dungeons
- The Four Green Dragons will now spawn as originally intended. They
should all now spawn at the same time everytime.
- Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj
Ayamiss the Hunter now flies down from the air much earlier.
Lieutenant General Andorov will now offer supplies if kept alive
through the battle.
Certain monsters have had their hitpoints reduced.
Qiraji Scorpions and Qiraji Scarabs now yield a small amount of
- Temple of Ahn'Qiraj
The Plague effect from Anubisath Defenders and Anubisath Sentinel's
is no longer amplified by +damage gear.
Spawn of Fankriss will now enrage if not dealt with in a timely
Fixed a bug that was causing Battleguard Sartura's low-health enrage
to have very little effect.
Removed the stacking acid from the Flesh Tentacles in the C'thun
Digestive Acid now increases its effect over time during the C'thun
Fixed a bug that could allow for the Digestive Acid debuff to be
Lowered the amount of knockback dealt by Giant Tentacles.
Tentacles should no longer spawn on players who have just been
knocked back by a previous tentacle.
- Molten Core
You no longer charge into the lava when charging Ragnaros.
- Dire Maul
Magister Kalendris has been moved in to the middle of the hall.
Guard Slip'kik's patrol path has been altered.
Tendris Warpwood will now call upon any protectors still alive to
aid him.
- Blackrock Spire
Some monsters were removed to reduce the time it takes to run the
Mother's Milk off Mother Smolderweb will now only affect players.
Spire Spiderlings now have fewer hitpoints.
- Blackrock Depths
Lord Roccor is no longer a rare spawn. His patrol path was altered
Pick lock and Seaforium now work on the Shadowforge Gates Mechanism.
The difficulty of the Lord Incendius and Ambassador Flamelash
encounters has been increased.
Marshal Windsor will now open the door to the supply room during the
escort 'Jail Break,' instead of walking through it.
- Stratholme
Some of the undead that invade the Scarlet Bastion after Balnazzar's
death have been removed to make exiting faster.
Added new crates to Stratholme that only hold Stratholme Holy Water.
The old crates still exist.
Skin of Shadow now has a chance to drop from creatures in the
- Zul'Farrak
The summoned zombies will now attack any player in the instance
after their grave has been disturbed.

User Interface
- The Reputation UI has gotten a significant overhaul:
You can now click on a faction in the reputation pane to get
additional details/options.
You can display one of your reputations on your main display where
your experience bar currently displays. If you are not level 60 it
displays two thin bars - experience and reputation.
You can mark any of your factions as "Inactive". These factions will
be moved to the bottom of your reputation pane in a callout that is
closed by default.
- Your experience bar will no longer display when you are level 60. The
primary benefit of this relates to the improvements to the Reputation
- Shift-R will now reply to the last person that you sent a tell to
rather than the last person who sent a tell to you.
- Purchasing Bank Slots now has a confirmation dialogue to prevent
accidental purchase.
- All Set bonuses for a set now display even if you do not have all the
required items for that set. The set bonuses that you do not have yet
display in gray and also show in parenthesis the number of pieces of
the set required for that bonus.
- You can now mouseover items in your mailbox and get item mouseover
information without opening the mail.
- The raid option to "Show Castable Buffs" should now work correctly.
- If a /who search brings up few enough names that those names are
displayed to the chat interface, those names will be right clickable
for invite/whisper purposes.
- Fixed a bug that would prevent health and mana display in group or
raid from updating properly.
- Fixed problem where character specific macros could be overwritten
by account-wide macros.
- You are no longer able to modify the Blizzard XML and Lua files.
- Addons and macros may not call or hook functions that initiate
- Addons can no longer use RegisterForSave().
- SpellStopCasting() requires input to work, like spell casting does.
- Toggling autocast for pet actions requires input to work, like
commanding your pet does.
- New API Functions
frame = CreateFrame("frameType" [,"name"] [, parent]) – Dynamically
create a new frame of the specified type
font = CreateFont("name") -- Dynamically create a font object
num = GetNumFrames() -- Get the current number of frames created
nextFrame = EnumerateFrames(currentFrame) -- Get the Frame which
follows currentFrame (in internal order, use currentFrame=nil for
the first one)
seterrorhandler(errfunc) -- Sets a new script error handler (a
function taking error message as its argument)
errfunc = geterrorhandler()
version, buildnum, builddate = GetBuildInfo()
mouselook = IsMouselooking()
__________________ & Adminstrator
Developer of Ace3, OneBag3, and many other addons and libraries
Project lead and Mac developer for the Curse Client

Anyone that needs what they want
And doesn't want what they need
I want nothing to do with
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