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03-28-06, 12:50 PM   #8
Jack's raging bile duct
Kaelten's Avatar
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 782
- New Button Methods
font = Button:GetTextFontObject()
Button:SetTextFontObject(font or nil)
font = Button:GetDisabledFontObject()
Button:SetDisabledFontObject(font or nil)
font = Button:GetHighlightFontObject()
Button:SetHighlightFontObject(font or nil)
Button:SetNormalTexture("texturePath" or TextureObject) – Added
Texture Object option.
Button:SetPushedTexture("texturePath" or TextureObject) – Added
Texture Object option.
Button:SetDisabledTexture("texturePath" or TextureObject) – Added
Texture Object option.
Button:SetHighlightTexture("texturePath" or TextureObject) – Added
Texture Object option.
- New Slider Methods
orientation = Slider:GetOrientation() -- Return slider orientation
Slider:SetOrientation("orientation") -- Set slider orientation
- New StatusBar Methods
orientation = StatusBar:GetOrientation() -- Return bar orientation
StatusBar:SetOrientation("orientation") -- Set bar orientation
filename = StatusBar:GetStatusBarTexture()
r, g, b, a = StatusBar:GetStatusBarColor()
- New ScrollingMessageFrame Methods
ScrollingMessageFrame:SetFading(isFading) -- Renamed from
isFading = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetFading()
duration = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetFadeDuration() -- Get time it
takes for lines to fade once they start fading.
visTime = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetTimeVisible() -- Get time it
takes before a line starts fading.
- New Minimap Methods
Minimap:SetMaskTexture("file") -- Set the texture for the minimap
Minimap:SetIconTexture("file") -- Set the texture for the minimap
POI icons
Minimap:SetBlipTexture("file") -- Set the texture for the minimap
tracking blips

World Environment
- New flight paths have been added between:
Ironforge and Light's Hope Chapel
Stonetalon Peak and Astranaar
Talendris Point and Everlook
Theramore and Talendris Point
Sepulcher and Tarren Mill
- Stable master added to Grom'gol.
- Arcane Aberrations will no longer attack hunters who cast Flare
- Incendosaurs in the Searing Gorge should now spawn much faster.
- Riding Instructors Velma Warnam and Xar'Ti will now let Tauren know
in advance that they cannot be taught to ride Skeletal Mounts and

- Fixed a bug which could cause the sky to be improperly rendered when
the UI overlay was shut off in full screen.
- Improved the Mac sound engine to handle "multiple simultaneous buff"
events without excessive audible distortion, such as the Warchief's
Blessing in Orgrimmar.
- Fixed a bug which could cause doodads in the Dwarven District to be
incorrectly fogged.
- Fixed a bug which could cause terrain to be improperly rendered if
"Enable All Shader Effects" was on but "Terrain Highlights" was off.
- Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause a selection circle under a
character to be drawn as a double image.
- Improved smoothness of mouse input for camera turns ("mouselook").
__________________ & Adminstrator
Developer of Ace3, OneBag3, and many other addons and libraries
Project lead and Mac developer for the Curse Client

Anyone that needs what they want
And doesn't want what they need
I want nothing to do with
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