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08-10-10, 08:48 PM   #11
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by Ferous View Post
Comcast has one? Really? Maybe where your at. I've had comcast in the past, maybe if it was there, its such a big threshold they don't want to state anything to anyone *shiftyeyes*

I have Qwest, and I yet to find out I have a cap, and if I do, well... I haven't ran into any issue's as of yet

edit - Comcast has a setup to where everyone shares bandwidth on your block or two. Maybe it's to try to not go over a certain threshold because people share connection? Qwest is dedicated per household, or mine is anyway, so I don't know if I have a cap, I'll have to research it :P

editx2 - It didn't take long, Qwest does have a threshold, but it's 250GB as well. LOL! Well, I'm sure I won't go over that threshold.
In the past Comcast had a threshold but never published it. Recently the government told them they can't have a cap and not tell people about it .. especially when they advertised Unlimited internet back then.

Now Comcast has a 250gb limit. They even added a usage meter to your online account. Different areas of the country may have different limits though.

It is true that Comcast's internet is setup to share connections with neighbors (that's typically how cable internet works) Having a user or two that use constant bandwith can affect the other users on that connection. Much in the way that having multiple PC connected in the same house would. In my area though they have upgraded most lines to fiber optics (everything but the drop to your house). Because of this they now offer 50mb/s speeds if you want to pay for it. Also this has made it so if every one maxed their lines in my block it would pretty much have no effect on speeds. There has not been a time of day that I can not get maximum speeds. Maybe no one in my area uses Comcast and has FIOS
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