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09-02-10, 08:41 AM   #3
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: May 2010
Posts: 2
similar problem

Hello. I've used nui happily for months, but now somehow I've messed it up.

The objectives tracking box is small and only is showing about 2 objectives at a time. I open up movers, and move it and right click and stuff, and as soon as I turn off movers it's back to being small. I need my objectives or I can't use this ui addon anymore. I don't know what else to do. This started happening about 2 weeks ago, and is happening in every one of my toons.

Is there a way to get the quest objectives tracker window to be bigger and stay bigger? Right now is stuck at about 1.5 inches, would like it height of the available window space like it does without nui. Thank you! -Chris

(I turn off the use of nui for the minimap since i need a map and the focus ability. So minimap is in upper right hand corner.)