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09-12-10, 03:37 PM   #11
MidgetMage55's Avatar
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A little light reading:
Link to original post

So recently I've noticed a rather unsettling pattern. Quite a few users have been asking for help then either berating the person helping with things like:

Your an idiot. Stop assuming I don't know how to... (insert other colorful remarks here)
And in cases where some trouble shooting is required we get:

Oh I don't want to do that it sounds hard (or too much effort and so on). Can't you just tell me whats wrong?
So I figured I would re-post this as a reminder for all those seeking help.

Quoted from Cairren (sticked at the top of the interface help forums)

Before you post:

1. Did you check the faq to verify the proper way to install your UI?

2. Did you make sure that the files aren't in a sub-folder within your custom folder? See this graphical interpretation.

3. Is there any chance that you have 2 WoW directories?

ie C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Blah blah blah and C:\World of Warcraft\Blah blah blah, or anything like that?

If so, that may be the problem. Try putting your ui files in the other one.

As well, make use of the Search button, as it is entirely possible that your problem has already been encountered and solved.

If after all of that, you are still having problems, please remember these things, when posting your help request:

1. Be polite. Show respect for other people's time, when you ask them to help you. Don't beg or grovel or SHOUT IN CAPS or be similarly lame

2. Give a good subject to your thread. Its easier for some one to help you if you have a good subject instead of something like “helperz me nowz!!!?!1.”;

3. What is the name of the mod? Provide a link for it;

4. What steps did you take to install the mod? Post your install path;

5. Be as descriptive as you can. Just posting you cant get xyz mod to work will result in no responce to your help request. The more information you can provide the faster some one will be able to respond with a helpful answer. Describe what AddOns you have installed, what you did that caused the problem, exactly what happens;

6. list the things you've tried and what happened for each of them.
Please bear in mind that this isn't like taking your car to a mechanic. We as a community aren't at your computer with you. We are unable to help you if your aren't willing to help yourself (read as we cant do it for you we can only guide you). We don't know much if anything about you personally. Namely we don't know what your have tried. What your level of ability is with a computer and various other things.

So please keep in mind that if someone trying to help seems to be giving you overly basic instructions something that you may know and have tried it is because we don't know what you have done if you don't tell us. The devil is in the details so to speak. And for those that are not very skillful please let us know this. We can give detailed replies or link you to specific directions for certain operations.

Don't forget troubleshooting steps exist for a reason. They won't kill you. 20 minutes out of your play time is not the end of the world. If you honestly don't want to lose that time then I suggest avoiding addons as there is a time investment involved on occasion.

Also bear in mind we are doing this because we enjoy it. So please check the attitude at the door. Asking for help then being rude about the help you get is just a fast way to not get any more help. To those helping, please give the same courtesy.

Originally Posted by Praesagus View Post
If you think the original poster didn't read the faqs or didn't do enough research on their own, so be it. Feel free to point them at the faqs along with any suggestions or just don't respond but way too often I see somebody ask a question to only get berated/insulted and given no help whatsoever.
And when pointing people to those faqs I would suggest being diplomatic about it.

Politeness goes a long way.

Thank you for your time if you made it this far.

/wall of text off
If TL;DR is your style. Be descriptive. Trouble shooting generally covers all steps. If you don't tell us what you have done we have to start from the basic and work our way up.

We can't read minds and we can't assume on anything you have or haven't possibly tried. Troubleshooting has to start somewhere.

I think Hong Kong Phooey was a ninja AND a pirate. That was just too much awesome. - Yhor