Thread: New Zones
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08-07-11, 04:36 PM   #7
This Space For Rent
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Originally Posted by Rilgamon View Post
This. Cataclysm is aimed at little kids. It's stripped of everything that takes time and effort. And thats why firelands are so "boring" since now you need to invest time and effort and we're no longer used to it.

I'm a casual player and since I refuse to accept the cataclysm-style (jump&run-game) raids there is no content for me to enjoy. I want to play with my friends and family and thats near to impossible since current raids require every single player in a raid to be right on target and react in ms. That means no matter how good I am I cant help my group and outheal some faults of my friends. This single-player mode introduced with cataclysm is just frustrating ...

As a casual the 980-points limit means you cant make up missing skill with equip since it takes longer to gather the equip than it is helpful. So there is no reason to do heroics, no chance to do raids and well professions dont need your time ... so with no other choice than creating the next twink sth like firelands becomes a horrible concept by itself as it means you would have to do it on more than one char.

None of my chars (10 85) is doing the dailies and the only char where it would make sense to go through the painful process is my leatherworker who is forced to the hyjal quests first since as a tank he started in vashir ...

All in all ... see my sig ... cata stands for catastrophe ... and it got worse with firelands ...
Maybe I'm understanding your post wrongly, but you're really just massively contradicting yourself. You say Cataclysm is stripped off of everything that requires time or effort, yet you then continue to sum up why the Firelands patch and WoW as it is now is too difficult and requires too much effort.

I recognise some of your points though, I (and a lot of people) bring them up regularly. I think you should consider at least giving WoW a break if it's not fun for you anymore. You can always come back later, really.


To the OP; I'm not sure what you mean by 'you unlock everything and you still can't buy anything'. Every path you complete - Ancients, Moonwell, Armaments - unlocks a new vendor. Sure there's some dailies you have to go through first, but that's always been the case. Plus, there's a small selection of items you can buy as soon as you started, too.
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