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08-21-11, 04:44 AM   #1258
local roygbi-
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Originally Posted by sakurakira View Post
I actually think that all modern games should have the UI config present in GW1. You went into config mode and could move and resize every single UI element. It gets saved on the game server forever. Even if you stop playing GW for a while, uninstall it, and then go back, your UI is still waiting there for you. It was fantastic. ALL games should have this.
Blizzard is very scared of options. Optionophobia is kind of what it is When they finally released the ability to move Target and Focus frames around, people asked "Why not more?", to which blues responded "We don't want to give our users options which give them the potential of screwing something up. If someone moved a UI element and it goes off screen, they'll become frustrated and not know what to do". Oh well, such as it is.