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10-12-11, 12:05 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 2
Some help please!!

Ok, just saw this addon and there are two specific themes that I want, (not sure of names, but one is the mazzle ui and the other is spartan ui).

Anyways, so I did step by step and started with Spartan ui (syla I do believe) and it did not come out right on screen, also when I installed the mazzle ui one, I lost the syla one that was already installed (both dl said recovery on them), so what did I do wrong with this. I looked back on the steps and either missed something (even though I did it as written) or just not uderstanding the procedure.

Please help with this as there are a few ui's I would like to check out and like the option of changing the ui's on the fly.

Thank you in advance!

Added ?: Also how do I move the rdx button from the middle of my screen? I tried right click, left click, etc, and nothing

Last edited by markoda : 10-12-11 at 12:10 PM. Reason: added another question
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