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05-23-13, 01:21 AM   #91
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 114
If any of you have wondered why i haven't been online or updated anything in this topic for awhile, its simply because i am working full-time to get this shat to work.

Because auto-completions file uses fuzzy completions the final project seemed to slow down the behaviour of Sublime Text due to one letter would pop up all 6.000+ completed words. Therefor i'm adding each completion as a snippet instead, Snippets uses some sort of fuzzy completion but is however dependent on the first typed letter. e.g typing A, would bring up everything starting with a capital A while a would bring up anything starting with a lower case a. However, once typed the first letter you can write the rest as a fuzzy completions. e.g CalendarContextEventCanComplain you can simply type: C, and then type EventComplain and the CalendarContextEventCanComplain would be the suggested word to use.

Also in this way we can add minor "descriptions" and also find our completions through the command palette(ctrl + shift + p), so API functions which has serveral argument types e.g. one being(achievementID, index) and the other being (statisticID) we can now through our completions file see a preview of those arguments so that we can select which we like dependent on our purpose.

However, unlike completion files, snippets file cannot contain more than one completion per snippet, therefor i'd have to create 6.000+ different snippet files and this is ofcourse the main reason for the package not being released yet.

Be patient guys!
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