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06-15-13, 03:40 PM   #108
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2013
Posts: 114
How it works like so far - watch the video below:

Click Here: Sublime Text 2 - Create WoW AddOns with the speed of light!

Won't show its effect properly as i don't really have an AddOn to work with, however this will give you an idea of how it works. This version of the Package has an expected release date the day after tomorrow actually. This version does not include:

Syntax Highlighting - supported in next version.
Specific Widget information like: GameTooltip:SetOwner - but will instead be as follow _SetOwner, press tab and returns: w/e = Object:SetOwner(w/e). I found a fix for this but is a longer task - next version supports this.
All completions - It only completes the following: Widget Handlers, Function APIs, Widget APIs, Events and a few data types. - Next version will include everything, such as: NUM_CHAT_WINDOWS, ANCHOR_CURSOR, etc.
And bunch more..

Stay Sexy!
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