Thread: RealUI
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06-29-13, 10:37 PM   #2281
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 141
Originally Posted by Nibelheim View Post
Hmm, seems DXE_Loader hasn't been updated. I shall modify it's TOC and re-upload so this doesn't happen again

Enter this command into your chat:
/run RealUI:MiniPatch("80r6")
Thank you, this worked. I think? Don't know if it fully worked as I will exaplain below. I'll be sure to update to the new revision when its available. Keep it up Nib. You are a star!

When I test the bars though, some of those warning messages are definitely not centred (the "Alerts - Message Anchor I think) Still at the top which sucks but hey I'll move those myself so its all good. If you keep those bars where they are, unless you can somehow cap the amount of bars that pop up at once, for certain bosses encounters like Horridon where there are tons of timers.. the timers are just going to go off the screen. Its that simple. So idk.

The frames are just really out of a players way. Boss frames should be where your always looking in my opinion. Shouldn't be at the top of the screen. Thats just my opinion. Though I have to say the bars are much easier to see now. Love it!

What does the "Alerts - Bar Inform Anchor" do? It would be right in the same place as all the incoming scrolling battle text would be.

So this is why I don't know whether or not that command fully implemented what you may have configured.

As you can see from this picture... you can barely tell what's going on because DXE has so much stuff announcing crap. You can barely see the target I'm targeting. Let alone try to search through all the announcements and bars to eventually find the health bar nameplate of your target haha. It just doesn't do any good. I would strongly suggest using all the space you have below. Beside the action bars for example. Plus that keeps the top of the screen clear of all the non sense so you can see what's going on. But hey this is the first setup of DXE and probably not the correct one with the loader working incorrectly.

And is there any way to disable the blizzard raid announcements? Its yet another raid warning that pops up that isn't included with any bossmod. As you can see from the picture... there are 2 anouncements informing me that a "Blessed Loa Spirit has spawned"

The font seems to be quite fuzzy with this anchor. Don't forget.. I'm using the default scaling now, so it isn't scaling. You can also see that it is going through the buffs from my frame.

Last edited by Gloks : 06-29-13 at 11:48 PM.