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09-23-06, 05:40 AM   #297
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 9
Just recently I downloaded and installed FuBar, as the number of installed ACE2-Mods increased in my WoW-install. Still being a Titan user since the first versions, FuBar still feels a little bit awkward compared to Titan because of its look&feel.

And I guess I'd not be the only one who wouldn't think twice about switching to FuBar if it's plugins' looks would be just s good as some Titan-plugins' - take TitanHonor+ which is more or less doing the same as HonorFu, but its tooltip-informations are presented in a much cleaner way to me. Additionately the feature of left-clicking the plugin to change to a detailed view of today's kills and honor gains is something I really miss in HonorFu.

For an easy comparison take those two screenshots:

- HonorFu:
- TitanHonor+ :

Then there are some other things that keep me from completely switching to FuBar (something I'd really like to do):
  • Why aren't the Tooltips using the default tooltip backgroundcolor instead of plain black? It's a matter of personal taste, sure - but I'd like my tooltips consistent throughout the UI and the Tablet2-tooltips just look out-of-place.
  • I wasn't able to hunt this down to a specific feature, but some Titan-Tooltips look leaner and cleaner in comparison to FuBar's even though they're the bigger resource-hogs. Examples HonorFu (see above) or PerformanceFu (instead of using three colors for green, yellow and red, the use of crayon fades colors and makes for a somewhat inconsistent look - Titan however uses 4 or 5 colors tops consistently).
  • In some cases the plugins show their info displaying the value first and the description second ("321 XP/hr" instead of "XP gained this session 321") - the way Titan does it looks better and is easier to read.
  • The icons used are somewhat small and the gap between icon and panel-text seems to be nonexistent in some occasions - looks better in Titan again.
  • Again looking at TitanHonor+ the way information is displayed on the panel just feels better than HonorFu's approach.
I'm in no way trying to lessen ckknight's job - he'd done more coding on his own than some people might ever be willing to do in their spare time and I'm grateful for it, but as an interface designer myself some things - especially the look&feel - catch my eyes first and those visual differences between Titan and FuBar make a bigger issue here than probably to most of you guys. Sure - many things can be attributed to personal taste - but isn't that what FuBar is about? It's already really customizable, so it could be customized to make the plugins look like their Titan counterparts do. It should stay optional however as I know some folks really like the way FuBar looks right now and wouldn't try making it look like Titan 3.0, but as I said other folks like me are really looking for that exactly. Some magical "make it look like titan"-button would solve everything I guess

And while we're at it - VolumeFu really needs to pickup the way Titan allows you to change volume with one click, but that's something already requested to its author.

PS: As a guy that needs to nitpick about tiny details in his daily job, I'd love to assist ckknight in achieving what I "requested" above, giving more detailed descriptions of what feels or looks right and what doesn't - feel free to send me a PM.

Last edited by Ministry : 09-23-06 at 05:44 AM.
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