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11-15-14, 09:33 AM   #1
A Rage Talon Dragon Guard
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Join Date: Aug 2009
Posts: 325
Programmer WANTED!

I've been racking my brain trying to get this to work, I would love to be able to do what I see most everyone here doing and that is creating add-ons to make there WoW experience much better for them personally.

You will notice in this request I reference NeavUI, TukUI, and ElvUI because there are function of each one I have grown to like over the years.

So here is what I would like to do.

In-Game Options
I would like to be able to change settings on thing without having to alt-tab out and then /reload to get them to work.

I like to have a normal size 14-15 font for everything but I know there are some instances that this font size would blow out a number if it is set into a specific sizes frame.

Unitframes: Player/Target/TargetofTarget/Focus/Party/Boss/Arena (Raid Frames can be done with the tool)

Default Blizzard frames I like they just need some minor adjustments:
  • Scale of all frames set to 1.193
  • HP 36.4K/40K (all health and mana text shrunk down)
  • Nameplate background. (all nameplate background match the player nameplate background)
  • Name text Class Colored.

  • Increase scale to 1.193.
  • Remove ZoomIn/ZoomOut buttons and make mouse Scroll do this function.
  • Right Click to open tracking function.

  • Scaled to 1.193.
  • Class color Border around each icon.

Stat Bar:

I like the way that TukUI and ElvUI have Stat Bars incorporated in their UI's I have "Copied/Borowed" a lot of their ideas and ways but would like one that is the same but different. nData is what I'm referring to.

  • Sell Grey Items at vendor.
  • Auto Repair with either guild money or your own money.
  • Alt Click will buy a full stack of what ever you are buying.

  • I like how nPlates functions and looks but I would like it to have the default border not !Beautycase.
  • Font Size 14-15

  • Hide Macro and Keybinding text.
  • Range coloring of buttons like tullaRange

  • Class Colored
  • Cast timer and Icon
  • Ability to hide pet/focus/boss castbars

  • Change Channels from names to just Numbers.
  • Add Mouseover tooltip for item links.
  • Clickable urls.
  • And a copy function incase I need to report something like an error or something to Blizzard that was said in chat.

Flashing Minimap Nodes:
  • Like Zygor Guides does.

As you can see by the list above its not a small task by any means. I have tried to work this out myself (BasicUI) but seem to keep getting errors.

I'm not a programmer nor am I a code writer, but I like WoW and like how it is able to make things custom to how a person like them.

Thank You for anyone who reads this and or responds.

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