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05-01-15, 08:38 AM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: May 2015
Posts: 14
DPS helper addon, looking for contributors


I have recently writen a small framework and few addons regarding helping maintain a poper rotation on few classes. I was wondering if I could find someone helping me maintaining it and/or making support for other classes/specs.

Addon is named TDDps and it is a collection of helpful functions regarding buff stacks, cds and other various stuff.

And for example TDShamanDps which currently supports Shaman elemental. Others classes which were partially done is: Hunter Warlock Mage.

Example code from TDShamanDps.

-- Main rotation: Elemental
TDShamanDps_Elemental = function()

	local lcd, currentSpell = TDEndCast();
	local lavaCd, lavaCharges = TDDps_SpellCharges("Lava Burst");
	local lavaSurge = TDAura(_LavaSurge);
	local ascendance = TDAura(_Ascendance);
	local ascendanceCD = TDDps_SpellCooldown(_Ascendance, lcd);
	local elBlast = TDDps_SpellCooldown(_ElementalBlast, lcd);
	local ulFlame = TDDps_SpellCooldown(_UnleashFlame, lcd);
	local ls, lsCharges = TDAura(_LightningShield);
	local fs = TDTargetAura(_FlameShock, lcd);
	local fs9 = TDTargetAura(_FlameShock, 8 + lcd);
	local ftName, ftExp = TDShamanDps_FireTotem();
	if ascendanceCD then
		return _Ascendance;
	if not fs then
		return _FlameShock;
	if lsCharges == 20 then
		return _EarthShock;
	if lavaCharges > 0 or lavaCd < 0.1 then
		return _LavaBurst;
	if lsCharges >= 15 then
		return _EarthShock;
	if not fs9 then
		return _FlameShock;
	if _isElementalBlast and elBlast then
		return _ElementalBlast;
	if ftExp < 3 then
		return _SearingTotem;
	if _isUnleashedFury and ulFlame then
		return _UnleashFlame;
	return _LightningBolt;
What does this addon do?
It helps you maintaining proper single target rotation by highlighting the correct spell on your bar.

Currently supported bars: ElvUI, Blizzard, Bartender - this one needs to upgraded with automatic detection.

Why was it created?
Other addons such as spell flash doesn't do good job because they are either flashy, annoying or makes you think about what spell you should use. Not to mention they usually have wrong rotations embedded.

I have all classes but don't have slightest interest in serious raiding with at least half of them. I have my main and 2 alts which i raid Mythics and Heroics.

But I would like to be able to get my alts into normal and do some decent DPS with them without reading class specific guides. Thanks to this addon I have also learned how to play shaman.

Target is also mostly casual playes that do lfr/normal or even heroics.

How does it work?
It doesnt have automatic startup but you enable it with macro like this
/run TDShamanDps_EnableAddon(1)

then it runs thru your bars, caches it like spell name => button object
then once every 0.15 seconds or target change checks your buffs, target debuff, cds and other various stuff and selects the spell you should use after you finish your current cast. Places a ring around button so its not affected by blizzard highlights.

What help do I need?
Mostly helping making this addon fully functional. Currently it has flaws that I am aware of but can live with.
Also making all classes and specs and polishing by adding support for multi target rotations and buffs from 2/4 bonus sets which does alter rotation.

How do I plan to do it?
1. Git repository possibly on GitHub.
2. Gather few contributors and together make some betas of the specific classes.
3. Then make contact with top players and ask them to test our addon.
4. Make it public.

What was done untill now?
Button highlight support by spell ID or spell Name
DPS framework (frame, timer)
Helper functions like spell cooldowns and stacks, player buffs, terget debuffs, target hp percentage etc.
Hunter BM/MM/SV rotations
Mage Arcane Rotation
Shaman Ele Rotation
Warlock Demo Rotation

Please contact me if you are interested in development and tests.

For moderators: If that is not correct place for such thing, please move thread, thanks.
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