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07-21-16, 07:19 PM   #4
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
JWMcQuire's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 107
Originally Posted by mainframe2000 View Post
Yes I am using Live edition and if that link you provided is the latest update then yes I am using the most current Carbonite Addon. I tried once again and unfortunately same error pops up and will not go away. Also a weird note: i have five toons two are female all are level 100 besides one and when I login with my female toons the error will not load! only with my male toons will this happen to O.0
That's odd about the error only showing up on your male toons, so I wonder if you are loading another addon that you don't activate for your female toons.

It might help if you post a list of the addons you have activated on your male toons. Also, where in the game world does this error occur?

Anyway, assuming that another addon isn't causing this issue try the following.

Try reinstalling yet again, but instead of overwriting the files, delete the carbonite folders in your addons folder and replace them with the new folders you downloaded today. Since you won't be deleting any of the WTF files, your in game settings should remain intact.

This has worked for me in the past when an update didn't make issues go away. If that doesn't fix the issue, try loading Carbonite only to see if the issue goes away.

If after trying my suggestion the issue doesn't go away, Rythal will hopefully be able to provide a fix when he gets a chance to check it out. I recently saw on Github that a new ACE update is available for 7.0.3 which may fix this problem when it is implemented in Carbonite.

I hope this helps.
I am not an addon author. I contribute when I can, answer questions when I am able, and post issues or ask questions now and then.
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