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06-02-17, 06:09 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 2
Infobar/Exp Bar Scaling and Size

Alright so, First off this UI is great.
Secondly I have had to do ALOT of tweaking because I play on a 60" 4k Television and sit around 10 feet from it. So my UI needs to be alittle larger than normal. I have been able to fix all of my settings with the exception of the infobar on the bottom of my screen. I would love to make this taller so I can have larger fonts. It is so agonizingly small that I needed to enable BT's Micromenu and set it into the top left next to the minimap, that pull up menue in the bottom left is just too small! I have searched around the config for a while now and I simply just cant find the specific controls for the Infobar/Exp Bar sizing. Does anyone know how I can do this without changing the scale of everything else and having to go through and redo all of my tweaks?

Here is a screenshot of what im working with right now:
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