Thread: CTMod 2.0 Bugs
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12-08-06, 05:46 PM   #21
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 4
features missing?


Im a happy user of CT modpack, I like previous CT version really.

I've read through the change list of CT2 on site, but I couldn't find few features I could set in previous version.

- I couldn't figure out how can I detach bars, so I can move (drag and drop) them wherever I want on the ui. (that was a clickable option on the main panel in CT)

- Couldn't find the option to remove background layer in the HP/MP regen window (TickMod)

- I've found some new really nice features, like block trades when using bank or mailbox -- Is it possible to extend this feature to when player uses AH (or is it still exist by blizz for now?)

- More, is it possible to implement an "block sign guild chart" feature which can work just like the block option above -- I got some annoying memorial, when I used Mass Auction to put a bunch of items into AH, and an a$$wipe broke my AH window with his chart page :S (or is it a fault of the mass auction mod, and original Blizz AH panel can block it?)
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