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02-07-07, 06:26 PM   #6
A Chromatic Dragonspawn
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 151
Originally Posted by Moontayle
If I may offer a suggestion in regards to bag management. I'm sure Baggins is wonderful but I found it to be a bit more than what I was looking for. Something inbetween that and the default bags. OneBag/Onebank offers just this. Maybe add this in as a middle ground?

Also, if you do add OneBag/Onebank, please add in Mr. Plow. I find this a highly useful Ace2 mod for cleaning up my bag space and it works both with the default bag UI and OneBag.

I've already added both of these and at the moment they do not cause any problems with Mazzle UI.
Remember also that while suggestions to improve MazzleUI are, I'm sure, always welcome, no one compilation or solution will fit the exact idiosyncrasies of every person. If you find that you like something like OneBag and Mr. Plow rather than the bag solution provided in MazzleUI, it's always fine to just use them in conjunction with the other addons of MazzleUI and simply turn Baggins off during Mazzification. I know I do this for things like to casting bar and the player buffs, just because I prefer something that (while not a big change) is a little different than the given alternatives in MazzleUI.

By the way, this suggestion should be filed under "AddOn and Settings Suggestions." Watch out, or Mazzle might catch you!

@Below player....Remove the Mazzlegasm?


Kamishimi <Iron Tower> -- Suramar
"Your demise will be quick and painless."

MazzleUI v1.0 Coming Soon to an Interface Near You!

Last edited by Kamishimi : 02-07-07 at 06:37 PM.