Thread: MazzleGASM FAQ
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02-16-07, 04:40 PM   #126
A Cyclonian
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Posts: 41
Originally Posted by Luhar
Whoa! Back up there, cowboy. Mazzle isn't bullying anybody to do things their way. You can choose not to use the addon.

Gello, on the other hand, is acting like a bully. So is anybody demanding that Mazzle change his\her own addon.

It boggles my mind how far this issue has gone.

p.s. MazzleFizz, it's getting tiresome typing him/her or his/hers all the time. How about letting us all know which set of pronouns to use when referring to you. Or should we refer to a group of people them/they/theirs?

I disagree on many, many levels. Mazzle has indeed bullied people to get their own way. That's what the extremely condescending MazzleGASM FAQ was for.
"Put up with the GASM, or don't use my pack." "Subject your entire server to my whims, or else." Also, "Don't mess with me or I'll take my Marbles and go home." Pathetic.