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06-19-05, 02:08 PM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 3
Remote control of a friends char

I play alot with my brother and occasionally one of us has to go AFK for a while be it phone food or nature. Since we are in the same room then it usualy ends up having one person run back and forth and controlling both of us for 5 minutes. Problem is I dont like running across a room ever 3 seconds. So.

I was thinking and as far as I can tell it wouldnt be that hard to design a mod that requires a server and client mode. When enabled then you can control basic char functions through tells or a random channel. How it would work:

Client sets a password in their setup, when they go /afk or /dnd then the server can enter their name and password. For simplicity then you could set it to use a channel based on the client name and using the password as the channel password. so Fred is the client, the channel would be /join fred002sq or something. When both users are in the client then the server can control basic functions. Say holding shift and doing an operation will send a message to the client to preform that function.

Really wouldnt need that much functionallity, limit it to autowalk, follow, force accept on trade-rez-summon-invite, force roll, attack/assist target, cast spell by name. What it couldnt do is open trade window, loot, use gyrphon, log off.

Some people have said that Blizz might not like it cause its "automation" but its not automation, its letting a trusted friend take over for a sec while your gone. It does nothing on its own.
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