Thread: GroupHeal
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06-10-07, 11:31 AM   #164
A Cyclonian
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 43
Just wanted to share my great wish for this wounderfull addon to get fixed again soon.

Perfectly understand that everything IRL comes before wow.

I only started using groupheal a few month before TBC, but I must say that I hardly see the point in being a priest or any other healing class for that matter without it.

-> hench why I'v lvl my mage instead of my priest while waiting

This is not to press your buttons Esamynn, just to remind you that a progress update every once in a while here, which should take you around 5 min to write would really go along way.

I don't write addons myself, so I can only have nightmares about the about of code to be steamlined to get something wounderfull like this on the road.

So basicly what I'm asking is a small post from you, telling that you are still breathing, and that you actually do look at the addon every once in a while

If only one was IMBA
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