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07-04-07, 05:25 AM   #25
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 42
Originally Posted by Arkive
I'm a big fan of having everything at the bottom, including my threat meter (in my case, Omen) which I always keep open except when soloing. I moved some things around, and they seem to fit fine in 10 and 25 main raids.

In the case of 5-mans, the main tank frame would be gone, and my decurse tool would replace the xRaidStatus (which I don't use in raids anyway since the sRaidframes seem to do everything I need). If you like decursive (or in my case, SmartDebuff) in raids, then this layout kinda screws the pooch I guess.

Please ignore my weird button layout :P
Oooh. Like that a lot. I'm thinking of changing my 10-Man sRaidFrame layout now. 2 rows of 5 horizontally in the left hollow and KTM/Main Tank in the right. Definitely going to have to play around with this...great idea.
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