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07-21-05, 11:46 AM   #17
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 9
I have to disagree with the perspective on this.... A real person is playing the character. there is no bot involved.
You are remote controlling the character, not botting the character. Two very distinct functions.
A bot is a self sufficient script, and will act indipendant of outside intervention and reacts to the in game situation.
Remote controlling while to the same effect uses many similar principles is the exact same situation as if you were on the pc thats being controlled, no auto casting, no auto nothing, everything is controlled by you. the agent software only executes the commands you direct it to.

Now if this distinction is cleary against the rules for the mods, then I will have to say a number of mods out there are in violation. The most blatant would be my pet assist mod's for hunters, when a party member takes a hit, the mod targets them, assists them, and issues a pet attack command. While this serves no single play advantage as unless i hit them no exp is earned, but if I have two chars, and sit myself afk, and then on the second account pull something within range, hit it, then because i was hit, my pet assists. How is that any different.

I have been very concerned about the ramifications of that. But back to the point.
I desperatly want a remote control mod for my other accounts.
At present I alt tab between the accounts and it gets quite tedious and timing is crucial and results in several chars dieing that I cannot attend to in a timely manner.

Now I see two types of remote control.....
I would like to issue a command locally as follows
/remotecontroll "charname" "command"
the remote system recieves a tell from the local system
clientsystem whispers "command from remote system "command"

now the command will be the basic command line command /assist /tell /follow macro's and scripts.

I would appreciate comments on this stance. I personally do not want to see bots made, so the mod would need to be programmed well so as not to allow bots to act of their on volition. i just enjoy soloing, don't like grouping that much, and have multi boxed chars since everquest.
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