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11-08-07, 12:58 PM   #1
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 11
Vista Problem Solved

My screenshots looked like a lot of others and I was getting a lot of errors. I couldn't figure it out and spent hours trying to fix it. I created a 1.1 folder copied over the 1.1 Patch and then applied the DUF fix and would still get errors. Turns out that I was expecting Vista to be smarter than it is. Even after knowing what the problem was, I still was making mistakes. Be careful with each file and you won't get the multiple "Fatalities".

Vista allows you to click on a zip in explorer and drag the folders/files to the location you want. DON'T DO THIS! It does not extract the folders properly. THIS IS THE ROOT OF THE PROBLEM.

Instead, Use Winzip, Bitzipper or your zipper of choice to open each zip file and extract all files to different folders. DO NOT USE VISTAS IN-BUILT (UN)ZIPPER FOR ANY FILE!!! Once you have all three folders extracted, copy the Add-on folder from your 1.1 Patch to the 1.1 folder. You'll be prompted to overwrite existing files; obviously, choose yes. After this is complete, copy the three decursive folders from the DUF-fix to your Add-on folder.

Rename your WoW Interface folder and WTF folders. After this copy over your new Interface folder as your Interface folder. The WTF folder will be auto created. Start-up the game and at the char creation screen choose enable out of date Add-ons. On game start-up, close mazzleui using the x button and setup your graphics options. Restart the game after setting your options and then mazzle will appear. Setup Mazzle as normal.
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