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01-02-08, 06:53 AM   #1
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 49
Post Pet Bar Not Shown

Okay so for classes that regularly use a pet, I have no problem. I can see the pet bar, the abilities, and everything.

However, for something like my Warrior - I can't see my pet bar. For some of you, you might question when I would ever want to show the pet bar. Well, for fights like the Chess Event in Karazhan, having a pet bar is mandatory. And for fights like the one in Black Temple, pet bars are mandatory.
Similarly, if I'm on my Rogue and use engineering to take control of something mechanical with the remote, I don't see the pet bar.

About the only thing I can do to make up for this is CTRL+# where I press a different # trying to execute different commands, while not really knowing what ability I'm trying to use.

So if anyone could tell me how to enable the visualization of my pet bar when on *all* of my characters, that would be great. Or actually, showing the pet bar when I have a pet active, heh.
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