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09-28-05, 10:51 AM   #5
Jack's raging bile duct
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Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 782
hi guys, sorry I havn't been around to answer questions lately. I've been moving this past weekend.

Today I'm finishing moving, after that I'll start full force in finishing up the new linkview.

At that point I'll probably release a beta copy. .93 has been a 100% complete rewrite.

Every module I've done has been udpate changed or completely reworked.

I also have a few new modules that I want to have released before .93 goes gold. This included AuctionBroker and ItemInfo. Those two modules will provide alot of the functionality that most people have requested.

On a side note for those that are interested, these are some things that have changed.

A completely new module system. Previously each module was a seperate ace application roughly strung togather by some shoestrings. Now each modules ties into the core module in a much tighter fashion. This gives the whole system more stability and a more consistant feel to the users.

I've added vendor sell values to the SellValue module. Now you can see how much a vendor sells something for as well as how much he'll pay for it.

I've redone Auction to provide more intuetive handling of per section scanning, and improved code effeciency.

I've seperated the auto price feature from auciton into aucitonbroker. I've made the auction price creation more robust and configurable. It now remembers previous sell prices as well so if you edit the price, instead of making up a new one you'll just use the old one again. Also AuctionBroker provides one-click auction listing. This one is still a work in progress. I've got alot more options planned for AB. Oh and the 5.3230201666 avg stack bug has been fixed.

TooltipHooker has been made flexable. including seperated tooltips and many other options.

Bank and inventory have some bugs worked out of them.

There is more thats been updated I'm sure. I hope everyone is as excited about this release as I am. I honestly feel that many of the features that people have been looking for will be answered in this release, And the ones that aren't will NOT be ignored. I'll continue until people say "damn man, theres too much here" and I'll just say "so what, delete what you don't want, the rest will still work."

Later guys, off to make my last load of stuff.


P.S. thanks for the compliments Pies, I hope that the above post answers any questions you have.
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Developer of Ace3, OneBag3, and many other addons and libraries
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Anyone that needs what they want
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I want nothing to do with
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