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02-17-11, 10:13 AM   #10
A Molten Giant
Grimsin's Avatar
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 990
The following code builds a grid of buttons granted they do not start off full you have to drag spells to them but you could like i said have the game load spells to the bars when you first log in no problem. Then there is a secure hotspot button that you can click on to open and close the grid of buttons anytime including in combat. This code is an adaptation of Giest which actually brought the grid up on the cursor although i dont think it worked in combat but my secure toggle code does work in combat. It would not be that hard to get this grid to come up on the mouse cursor when right clicking a target. The hard part will be getting the frame to follow the target if it moves or you shift your view, but like i said attach the frame to the nameplates... or use the nameplate system to move the frame when you shift your view or the target moves. The tedious part will be writing a library to handle filling the buttons when you log in, also make it update the buttons when you gain levels and change specs. Put an incombat handler so that it never trys to update the buttons while in combat which would cause secure restriction issues. Its easy to show/hide a secure button frame in combat... check out this code. Note- if you cant figure out what some of these things are doing because they make calls to functions in my core file let me know and ill post that to.

local addonName, addon = ...

addon:RegisterDefaultSetting("showContextMenu", false)

This is used to set the default button ids . These buttons do not conflict with
known stance/form/stealth bars.  These settings are not ideal, but are the best
compromise I could come up with short of writing virtual action buttons.

Default Blizzard IDs:
1-12		Main Bar (Unused by Warriors)
13-24		Second Bar
25-36		Side Bar 1
37-48		Side Bar 2
49-60		Bottom Right Bar
61-72		Bottom Left Bar
73-84		Warrior Battle, Druid Cat, Rogue Stealth, Priest Shadowform
85-96		Warrior Defensive, Druid Tree
97-108	Warrior Berserker, Druid Bear
109-120	Druid Moonkin
121-132	Possess Bar (Unusable)
local actionID, class = UnitClass('player')

if class == 'DRUID' then
	actionID = {
		48, --01
		49, --02
		50, --03
		51, --04
		52, --05
		53, --06
		54, --07
		55, --08
		56, --09
		57, --10
		58, --11
		59, --12
		60, --13
		61, --14
		62, --15
		63, --16
		64, --17
		65, --18
		66, --19
		67, --20
		68, --21
		69, --22
		70, --23
		71, --24
		72  --25
elseif class == 'WARRIOR' then
	actionID = {
		1, --01
		2, --02
		3, --03
		4, --04
		5, --05
		6, --06
		7, --07
		8, --08
		9, --09
		10, --10
		11, --11
		12, --12
		72, --13, Pesky warriors.
		109, --14
		110, --15
		111, --16
		112, --17
		113, --18
		114, --19
		115, --20
		116, --21
		117, --22
		118, --23
		119, --24
		120  --25
	actionID = {
		96, --01
		97, --02
		98, --03
		99, --04
		100, --05
		101, --06
		102, --07
		103, --08
		104, --09
		105, --10
		106, --11
		107, --12
		108, --13
		109, --14
		110, --15
		111, --16
		112, --17
		113, --18
		114, --19
		115, --20
		116, --21
		117, --22
		118, --23
		119, --24
		120  --25

local contextMenu = CreateFrame('Frame', nil, UIParent, 'SecureFrameTemplate')
contextMenu:SetPoint('RIGHT', UIParent, 'RIGHT', -280, -120)

local buttons = { }
for index = 1, #actionID do
	local button = CreateFrame('CheckButton', addonName .. "ContextMenuButton" .. index, contextMenu, 'ActionBarButtonTemplate')
	buttons[index] = button
	if (index - 1) % 5 ~= 0 then
		button:SetPoint('LEFT', buttons[index - 1], 'RIGHT', 2, 0)
	elseif index ~= 1 then
		button:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', buttons[index - 5], 'BOTTOMLEFT', 0, -2)
	button:SetAttribute('type', 'action')
	button:SetAttribute('action', actionID[index])

contextMenu:SetHeight(buttons[1]:GetHeight() * 5 + 8)
contextMenu:SetWidth(buttons[1]:GetWidth() * 5 + 8)

local texture = contextMenu:CreateTexture(nil, 'ARTWORK')
texture:SetVertexColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5)

local title = contextMenu:CreateFontString(nil, 'OVERLAY')
title:SetFont([[Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF]], 12, 'OVERLAY')
title:SetTextColor(1, 1, 0, 0.8)
title:SetPoint('TOP', texture, 'TOP', 0, -1)

Context "hot spot" button
local hotSpot = CreateFrame('Button', nil, UIParent, 'SecureHandlerClickTemplate')
hotSpot:SetPoint('BOTTOMRIGHT', -370, 220)

hotSpot:SetFrameRef("contextMenu", contextMenu)
hotSpot:RegisterForClicks('LeftButtonUp', 'RightButtonUp')
hotSpot:SetAttribute('_onclick', [[
	local frame = self:GetFrameRef("contextMenu")
	if button == 'LeftButton' then
		if frame:IsVisible() then
	elseif button == 'RightButton' then

 hotSpot:SetScript('OnEnter', function(self)
	GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, 'ANCHOR_TOP', 0, 1)
	GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffeda55fLeft Click|r for ContextMenu", 0.2, 1, 0.2)
	GameTooltip:AddLine("|cffeda55fRight Click|r toggle CombatLog", 0.2, 1, 0.2)

hotSpot:SetScript('OnLeave', addon.HideTooltip)

function hotSpot:ToggleCombatLog()
	addon.settings.showCombatLog = not addon.settings.showCombatLog

addon.RegisterEvent("ContextMenu-Initialize", 'PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD', function(self, event)
	addon.UnregisterEvent(self, event)

	if not addon.settings.showContextMenu then

Save setting on logout
addon.RegisterEvent("ContextMenu-SaveState", 'PLAYER_LOGOUT', function()
	addon.settings.showContextMenu = contextMenu:IsShown() or false
"Are we there yet?"


Last edited by Grimsin : 02-17-11 at 10:20 AM.
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