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12-31-08, 05:37 AM   #16
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 277
To be honest, this all seems dodgy and unprofessional. No offense, but that agreement doesn't even seem professionally-written. We already pay for a game that's constantly feeling like a beta, how do you really expect people to be enthusiastic about paying for an AddOn that's constantly being debugged (and thus imo a beta)?

These kinds of things just always seem like a couple of kids trying to capitalize on WoW's success. I wouldn't be against a commercially-produced product, but these things just seem too homemade. To each his own I guess.

Then again, I don't even consider most "release" versions to be release caliber. I'm not sure why people don't just call it like it is, given the constantly changing status of everything, a BETA. The word "release" is thrown around way too casually in the world of WoW AddOns. I especially like "release" versions of an AddOn that are released daily. What the hell makes them a "release" and not a beta?

A piece of advice for the developer here - don't develop your AddOn to the point of trying to do everything under the sun. Do one or two things, keep it simple, and do them damned well. People are more likely to reward your work for solid product rather than something wtih a christmas tree of features full of bugs. Clique is an example of something that I consider on the level of something "commercial". QuestHelper is an example of something that tries to do way too much. See what I mean?

I realize I'm just a lowly user so take my input for what you think it's worth. If it's nothing, that's fine with me. I just thought I'd offer some relevant input.
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