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10-15-21, 07:41 AM   #5
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Oct 2021
Posts: 4
Okay, so I can make the change to just create a bunch of rows upfront instead of creating more on the fly. My frame will show 30+ rows at a time and right now I only have 17 rows in my longest test list.

This does not address my confusion about why editing the existing rows is not working. On lines 3-4, I set the text on each row to an empty string and then hide the frame. Later on lines 16-18, I re use the same rows and set a new string on them and tell them to show. The code executes without error, but there is no change. If I have a list of 17 and then switch to a list of 8, I should see the bottom 9 rows hide.

I thought maybe I needed to call FauxScrollFrame_Update to get the frame to refresh based on your example but that does not seem to fix it.
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