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03-17-09, 06:07 PM   #924
A Frostmaul Preserver
Caellian's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 281
Allright, there's something that's bothering me now.

Say i use the following tag instead on the Hex() funtion
oUF.Tags['[gradient]'] = function(unit)
	local min, max = UnitHealth(unit), UnitHealthMax(unit)
  r, g, b = oUF.ColorGradient(min / max, 0.69, 0.31, 0.31, 0.65, 0.63, 0.35, 0.33, 0.59, 0.33)
  return string.format('|cff%02x%02x%02x', r*255, g*255, b*255)
And then, here's an example of what you can find in my health tag
return (max > min) and '|cffaf5050'..oUF.Tags['[curhp]'](unit)..'|r'..'|cffD7BEA5 - |r'..oUF.Tags['[perhp]'](unit)..'%|r'
Then finally
self:Tag(self.hvalue, '[gradient][health]')
the first part of my health line above is [curhp] but i'm giving it a custom fixed color, then there's the - and finally [perhp] which is without any custom coloring

So i'm assuming [perhp] will get the [gradient], but it doesn't, why ?

Whenever i manually set the color of something nothing that comes after that will get the gradient, even if i payed close attention to close everything with |r as suggested.

EDIT: Also, this code does a memory leak in the layout, making it go up to 1+meg in raids.

function PostUpdateAuraIcon(self, icons, unit, icon, index, offset, filter, isDebuff)
	icon:SetScript('OnMouseUp', function(self, mouseButton)
		if(mouseButton == 'RightButton' and not isDebuff and unit == 'player') then
			CancelUnitBuff('player', index)
This is the only efficient way i've found to have a flawlessly working right click buffs cancelling. If i move it to the PostCreateAuraIcon and use button instead of icon then i can't check for unit == 'player' and ofc i can then cancel my own buffs by clicking on any frame.
Does anyone know a workaround, a way to have it working without memory leak ?
if (sizeof(workload) > sizeof(brain_capacity)) { die('System Overload'); }

Last edited by Caellian : 03-19-09 at 08:48 AM.