Thread: caelUI
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02-18-11, 04:28 AM   #17
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 5
@riccochet: Video settings as of yet are not handled by the system Jankly mentions, because Caellian sets the video options dependant on area. I have some school project to wrap up, but if I have some spare time today after those are finished I'll see about implementing something for that as well.

I do recommend updating to the latest version so all the non graphical settings are saved and you don't need to edit the Lua files anymore. To disable the graphic settings change per area, open up caelCore/modules/cvarData.lua and simply remove this block:

local ZoneChange = function(zone)
        local _, instanceType = IsInInstance()
        if zone == "Orgrimmar" or zone == "Stormwind" then
                if caelLib.playerClass == "HUNTER" then SetTracking(nil) end
                SetCVar("useWeatherShaders", 0)
                SetCVar("weatherDensity", 1)
                SetCVar("environmentDetail", 50)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDensity", 16)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDist", 0)
                SetCVar("particleDensity", 0.11)
                SetCVar("projectedTextures", 0)
                SetCVar("showfootprints", 0)
                SetCVar("chatBubbles", 0)
        elseif instanceType == "raid" then
                SetCVar("useWeatherShaders", 1)
                SetCVar("weatherDensity", 3)
                SetCVar("environmentDetail", 150)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDensity", 256)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDist", 128)
                SetCVar("particleDensity", 1)
                SetCVar("projectedTextures", 1)
                SetCVar("showfootprints", 1)
                SetCVar("chatBubbles", 1)
                SetCVar("useWeatherShaders", 1)
                SetCVar("weatherDensity", 2)
                SetCVar("environmentDetail", 100)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDensity", 128)
                SetCVar("groundEffectDist", 64)
                SetCVar("particleDensity", 0.5)
                SetCVar("projectedTextures", 1)
                SetCVar("showfootprints", 1)
                SetCVar("chatBubbles", 0)

cvardata:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
        local zone = GetRealZoneText()

        if zone and zone ~= "" then
                return ZoneChange(zone)
I was planning on adding both a toggle for this, as well as per category storing of graphic settings, basically as it is now.
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