Thread: Author UIs
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01-14-15, 01:51 AM   #5
Phanx's Avatar
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 5,617
Old screenshot from a low-level alt, but it's still mostly the same:

I'll try to remember to get some updated screenshots (incl. in group) later when the servers come back up from maintenance.

Invisible things:
- Bazooka (DataBroker bar) appears on mouseover at the bottom of the screen.
- CoolLine cooldown bar appears below the action bar when I have abilities/items on cooldown.
- Group frames appear on the right.

Addons used:
  1. !!AceDB-DefaultMod [*] [UNRELEASED] makes AceDB default to Default instead of character-specific when addons don't specify
  2. !!Sandbox [*] [PRIVATE] reusable space for playing with new/temporary code
  3. !!Warmup
  4. !BlizzBugsSuck
  5. !BugGrabber
  6. !ClassColors [*]
  7. AchieveIt
  8. AnyFavoriteMount [*]
  9. AuctionLite
 10. AuctionLite_AdvSearch
 11. Badapples [*]
 12. Bagnon
 13. Bartender4
 14. BattlePetBinds
 15. Bazooka
 16. BetterBattlePetTooltip [*]
 17. BetterBlizzOptions
 18. BetterMacroFrame [*] [WORK IN PROGRESS]
 19. Bibliophile [*] [UNRELEASED]
 20. BonusRollPreview
 21. Broker_Garrison
 22. Broker_InstanceDifficulty [*]
 23. Broker_LFG [*]
 24. Broker_MicroMenu
 25. Broker_PlayedTime [*]
 26. Broker_Reincarnation [*]
 27. Broker_System [*] [UNRELEASED]
 28. Broker_TicketStatus [*]
 29. Broker_Time [*] [UNRELEASED]
 30. Bugger [*]
 31. BulkOrder
 32. Butsu
 33. BuyEmAll
 34. CancelMyBuffs [*]
 35. ChatLoot
 36. CleanCompare [*] [UNRELEASED]
 37. Clique
 38. CodeRunner [*] [UNRELEASED]
 39. ColorTools [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
 40. Commended [*]
 41. CoolLine [*]
 43. DamnAchievementSpam
 44. DamnCraftSpam
 45. DamnDungeonWindow [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
 46. Diplomancer [*]
 47. DoubleWideTradeSkills
 48. Dresser
 49. DropTheCheapestThing [MODIFIED] to support dropping zero-value items
 50. Examiner
 51. Exonumist [*]
 52. ExtraQuestButton
 53. Fane
 54. GatherMate2
 55. GatherMate2_Data
 56. GlobalIgnoreList
 57. GoFish [*]
 58. Grid [*]
 59. GridStatusHealingReduced [*]
 60. GridStatusHealTrace [*]
 61. HandyNotes
 62. HandyNotes_HigherLearning [*]
 63. HandyNotes_Lorewalkers
 64. HandyNotes_LostAndFound
 65. HandyNotes_TimelessTreasures
 66. HandyNotes_TreasureHunter
 67. HandyNotes_WellRead [*]
 68. HaveIDoneThat
 69. HelmSaver
 70. Hydra [*]
 71. idTip
 72. ItemTooltipCleaner [*]
 73. Kui_Media
 74. Kui_Nameplates
 75. Kui_Nameplates_Auras
 76. Kui_Nameplates_Custom [*]
 77. Kui_SpellList_Config
 78. LearningAid
 79. LegacyQuest
 80. LevelFlight [MODIFIED]
 81. LibRealmInfo [*]
 82. LibResInfo-1.0 [*]
 83. LoseControlFix
 84. LuaBrowser
 85. MacroTooltip [*]
 86. MacroTranslator [*]
 87. Mapster
 88. Masque
 89. Masque_Cainyx
 90. Masque_SimpleSquare [*]
 91. MasterPlan [MODIFIED]
 92. Mine-O-Matic
 93. MogIt
 94. MogIt_Boutique
 95. MogIt_Highlighter
 96. Molinari
 97. MountMe [*]
 98. NoGuild [*]
 99. Notebook [*]
100. NoTitle [*]
101. Numeration
102. OmniCC
103. OmniCC_Config
104. OPie
105. OPieMasque [*]
106. OptionHouse [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
107. Otis
108. oUF_Phanx [*]
109. PetBattleAutoForfeit [*]
110. PetBattleTeams
111. PetJournalEnhanced
112. PetMarket
113. PetTracker
114. PetTracker_Broker
115. PhanxBind [*]
116. PhanxBorder [*] [UNRELEASED]
117. PhanxBot [*] [UNRELEASED]
118. PhanxBuffs [*]
119. PhanxChat [*]
120. PhanxConfigWidgets [*] [UNRELEASED]
121. PhanxFlightTimer [*] [UNRELEASED]
122. PhanxFont [*] [UNRELEASED]
123. PhanxMedia [*] [UNRELEASED]
124. PhanxMinimap [*] [UNRELEASED]
125. PhanxMod [*] [PRIVATE]
126. PhanxTooltip
127. PhanxUI [*] [UNRELEASED]
128. PhanxXP [*] [UNRELEASED]
129. Pinlight
130. PokeBandage [*]
131. Postal
132. PostmasterGeneral
133. Progress [*]
134. Redprints
135. RoleMeAway [*] [UNRELEASED]
136. SavedInstances
137. SetCollector
138. SharedMedia_NoAsianFonts [*]
139. ShieldsUp [*]
140. SilverDragon
141. SilverDragon_Data
142. SortedCurrencyTab
143. SpamageMeters
144. SpamAway [*] [UNRELEASED]
145. SpellAlertFilter [*] [UNRELEASED]
146. teksLoot
147. TomTom
148. TomTom_Chamberlain [*] [UNRELEASED], automatically sets waypoints for possible locations of needed chamberlain parts on the Isle of Thunder
149. TomTom_Lorewalkers [*] [UNRELEASED], sets waypoints in a good order for undiscovered Pandaria lore objects
150. Touhin
151. ToyBoxFilterFixer
152. TradeChatCleaner [*]
153. TradeSkill Bookmarks
154. TradeSkillClearButton
155. TradeTabs
156. TypoHistory
157. Velluminous
158. VendorBait
159. WhereAmI [*] [UNRELEASED]
160. WhisperColor [UPDATED] [MODIFIED]
161. Who Framed Watcher Wabbit
162. Wholly
163. xMerchant
164. yClassColors
165. ZoneAchievementTracker [*]
166. ZoneLevelInfo
Some addons are only enabled on some characters. Several are currently disabled on all characters, since I've been getting disconnected frequently when reloading the UI and have linked it to high CPU use during loading, but haven't had time to narrow it down any further.

Label key:
  • [ * ] I wrote it, or I am the current primary author/maintainer.
  • [UNRELEASED] It's on GitHub, but it's not supported, and may require finding libraries etc. elsewhere.
  • [PRIVATE] It's not available, don't ask, go away.
  • [MODIFIED] I've made changes from the official version.
  • [UPDATED] The release version is years out of date and doesn't work, but I've updated it myself.
Retired author of too many addons.
Message me if you're interested in taking over one of my addons.
Don’t message me about addon bugs or programming questions.
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