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02-27-09, 09:27 PM   #830
A Frostmaul Preserver
Caellian's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 281
Originally Posted by haste View Post
Based on how your function looks (ie. dynamic function calling) - I would say no. The hex function in oUF is there to convert colors into strings for text, while your function is there for a generalized coloring function.

Regarding the two solutions - I would call the second one cleaner.
Apparently there would even be an easier way, i've found this to be working just fine, and as i wasnt' using the Hex function anywhere else:

local function UpdateColor(self, element, unit, func)
	if(UnitIsDead(unit) or UnitIsGhost(unit) or not UnitIsConnected(unit)) then
		r, g, b = colors.disconnected
	elseif(UnitIsTapped(unit) and not UnitIsTappedByPlayer(unit)) then
		r, g, b = colors.tapped
	elseif(unit == 'player' or unit == 'pet') then
		local num, str = UnitPowerType(unit)
		r, g, b = colors.power[str]
	elseif(UnitIsPlayer(unit)) then
		local _, class = UnitClass(unit)
		r, g, b = colors.class[class]
		local reaction = UnitReaction(unit, 'player')
		r, g, b = FACTION_BAR_COLORS[reaction]

	if(type(r) == 'table') then
		if(r.r) then r, g, b = r.r, r.g, r.b else r, g, b = unpack(r) end

	if(not r or not g or not b) then r, g, b = 1, 1, 1 end

	if(func == 'SetVertexColor') then
		element[func](element, r * .33, g * .33, b * .33)
		element[func](element, r, g, b)
if (sizeof(workload) > sizeof(brain_capacity)) { die('System Overload'); }

Last edited by Caellian : 02-28-09 at 04:43 AM.