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03-03-09, 03:44 PM   #840
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 3
Hey everyone, I got a slight problem with my modified ouf_Ammo layout (used the latest version from wowace, also using latest version of oUF from curse):

In the default ouf_Ammo, the buffs are shown at the bottom left whereas the debuffs are shown at the top right. I want the buffs to stay at the very same position but i want the debuffs to be directly below them.

Consequently, i changed the SetPoint-thingy for the debuffs to "anchor" it to the buffs-frame:

debuffs:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", buffs, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-5)
The problem is that this remains static so that when there are lots of buffs and there are 2 or 3 rows of them, they begin to overlap as can be seen here:
(note that i didn't use the -5px here but more)

Now i went to irc and stolenlegacy was kind enough to help. He tried adding a function (he is well aware that this isnt good style and all but he didn't really know ouf well but still was kind enough to try and help me)

local function updateBuffFrame(self, event, unit)
	 if ammo_debuffs and ammo_buffs then
		ammo_debuffs:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", ammo_buffs, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-5);
this is called (i presume, i hardly know lua and wow api stuff ) in the function setStyle by "self.UNIT_AURA = updateBuffFrame"

Adding this function however just hides any buffs and debuffs without giving any kind of lua error

As a reference, here is the current "positioning" code:

	if unit and not unit:find("party%dtarget") and not unit:find("partypet%d") then
		local buffs = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
		buffs.size = buffheight
		buffs:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", self, "BOTTOMLEFT",-1.5, -3)
		buffs.initialAnchor = "TOPLEFT"
		buffs["growth-y"] = "DOWN"
		buffs.num = 40
		if unit == "player" or unit== "targettarget" or unit == "focus" then buffs.num = 0 end
		self.Buffs = buffs

		local debuffs = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
		ammo_buffs = buffs
		ammo_debuffs = debuffs
		debuffs.size = buffheight
		debuffs:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", buffs, "BOTTOMLEFT",0,-5)
		debuffs.initialAnchor = "TOPLEFT"
		debuffs["growth-y"] = "DOWN"
		debuffs["growth-x"] = "RIGHT"
		debuffs.num = 40
		if unit == "player" or unit== "targettarget" or unit == "focus" then debuffs.num = 0 end
		self.Debuffs = debuffs
anyone got an idea how that could work the way i want it to?

and as another annoying bonus question (it's not too important) from someone who loves ouf but probably shouldn't use it: is it possible to increase the scale of the debuffs you caused on the target? i have aurasort and somehow made it show them first but a slight increase in scale would probably be easier to see

Last edited by fauxpas : 03-03-09 at 03:47 PM.