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10-16-08, 03:16 PM   #66
A Kobold Labourer
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 1

I have been using MazzleUI since it went public. I am not a coder, though I have always found a way to make it work (at least the layout perspective) after every patch, and I am looking into doing just that now that DUF has a update out. With that said, and this is intended for Mazzle and potentially any DEVs working on fixing this amazing UI......What would it take to get this UI fixed? $50, $100, $500, etc.? Everything has a cost in life so I am just trying to determine the amount of monetary incentive needed to either make this open source so it can be updated regularly by the community without Mazzle's permission(s), or how much would it require to get the A-team of Mazzle/Beta Testers to keep this rolling. I've got accounts I can supply if someone doesn't want to pay for the game access. I'll even put my mouth where my money is and put up a sizeable donation to Mazzle. I only ask for a legitimate response from those actually behind this project (ie: Mazzle, Devs, Beta Testers).
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