Thread: MazzleGASM FAQ
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02-09-07, 07:35 PM   #37
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 9
The definitive answer:

I dislike the mazzlegasm. If he wants to put the (irritating to me)mazzlegasm in there, ITS HIS MOD. Don't like it? DON"T USE IT! It's not like you PAID FOR IT! No one is FORCING your to use it. GET OVER IT. Seriously.

Now the gnome theme is an entirely different issue. We need to organize hunger strikes to get him to ditch the detestable gnomes. The only good gnome is a dead gnome that you orchestrated the death of by mobs so there is a 10% durability hit. Having to stare at some ridiculous looking abomination is really too much to take.