Thread: Aura Buttons
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09-19-10, 08:17 AM   #2
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Yes... this can be done. But, it requires editing the layout data file. In this case, it would be [ Interface > AddOns > nUI_AuraButtons > nUI_AuraButtons.lua ] -- At the top of the file you'll find data sections for the player's pet, the player, the target and a vehicle.

I've copied the player section below and highlighted some key points. If you change the "origin" value from "BOTTOMRIGHT" to "BOTTOMLEFT" then the auras will start there at the bottom left and grow to the right, then up. However, that will not stop them from overlapping the bar in the center as the number of auras grows. You could change the "cols" value from 10 to 8 then change "rows" from 4 to 5 and that may be enough to stop them from overlapping. You can experiment with that.

I would caution moving the anchor point of the frame out (changing the xOfs value in the "anchors" section) as that would cause it to overlap the location of the pet/vehicle buffs section. While your class may not have a pet, at higher levels it will frequently have a vehicle.

You can use any plain text editor to make the changes (such as notepad) and you do not have to exit wow to apply them. You can open the file while you're logged in and make your changes, then save the file and issue a '/nui rl' command to reload the UI and see the effect of your changes.

    ["PlayerAuras"] =
        anchor =
            anchor_pt        = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
            relative_to      = "nUI_Dashboard",
            relative_pt      = "CENTER",
            xOfs             = -420,
            yOfs             = 170,
        options =
            enabled          = true,
            size             = 45,
            strata           = nil,
            level            = 1,
            aura_type        = "help",
            origin           = "BOTTOMRIGHT",
            player_auras     = false,
            dispellable      = false,
            horizontal       = true,
            highlight_player = true,
            aura_types       = false,
            cooldown_anim    = false,
            flash_expire     = true,
            clickable        = true,
            rows             = 4,
            cols             = 10,
            expire_time      = 10,
            hGap             = 5,
            vGap             = 25,

            count =
                enabled     = true,
                justifyH    = "CENTER",
                justifyV    = "MIDDLE",
                anchor_pt   = "CENTER",
                relative_pt = "CENTER",
                xOfs        = 0,
                yOfs        = 0,

            timer =
                enabled     = true,
                fontsize    = 10.5,
                justifyH    = "CENTER",
                justifyV    = "BOTTOM",
                anchor_pt   = "TOP",
                relative_pt = "BOTTOM",
                xOfs        = 0,
                yOfs        = 0,
Originally Posted by Dumandruid View Post
I am attempting to use aura buttons. but i'm also using an NUI skin (carbon) which moves the micro menu down and adds a new background above the 2 action bars above the mini map. Problem is the aura buttons for player are anchored bottom right and target bottom left and they start in the middle of the new background. is there anyway to change the anchors to have them start at the extreme left and right and fill towards the center. Or just move the anchor points out some so that the first buff is outside the new background? Thanks for your time. just installed it last night and so far am liking it. just tring to get used to the new layout

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