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08-25-12, 05:19 PM   #31
Featured Artist
Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 1,458
What's this... What's this! There's music in the air.....

Really wish I could talk to the dev's to make this easier.... so far the 3 things missing from me calling it complete

1) the area overlays that appear over a zone if you mouse over it on the map... i've been digging through the various mpq's for hours and can't figure out where they come from

2) the close up zoom of pandaria... I know how it's done, and as a test I replaced kalimdor with pandaria's, so when I zoomed in on an area, I saw the satellite view of panda areas, but on it's own in it's own array it never appears for me to place it under pandaria.

3) the zone scale is off a little, so the points of interest don't line up right on the map in panda zones.

#1 is what i'm focusing on most right now