Thread: AeroWow
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10-15-09, 01:49 PM   #6
A Black Drake
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 87
Getting to Icehowl after Ferocious Butt, getting out of the way of the charge, and getting back on target after the stun/charge. On Twins, running to switch colors for any reason (Touch of [Color], [Opposite Color] Vortex). Faction Champs, given the amount of movement your targets are doing (and the Stam from TV certainly helps, too.)

As a single example from Ulduar, the entire brain room (phase 2) of Yogg absolutely requires runspeed.

There's obviously many cases where the "pure DPS" boot enchants (AP or Hit/Crit) excel, due to the low movement component of certain fights. Jaraxxus, Vezax, and Ignis come to mind (I would even recommend runspeed on XT, due to being able to stay on-target longer before having to run out, and then either charging/intercepting back or, if they're on CD (or you're not a Warrior), getting back faster.

To be perfectly honest, your tank should have Tuskarr's Vitality on their boots, not the 22 Stam one. 7 Stam versus 8% runspeed is pretty clearly in the movement speed's favor in nearly every tanking situation.

TV is "it" for PvP, but the runspeed enchants are fantastic for PvE, as described in the article.

(I love discussing this stuff everywhere, but would also love to discuss it in the comments after the article, so that others can get the benefit of the conversation! =D)

The Warrior Formerly Known As Aerowyn.
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