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07-19-09, 11:43 AM   #4
Coffee powered Kaldorei
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Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1,443
Mazzle is long dead. Many of the core AddOns are simply broken and the AddOn author has replaced them with totally new AddOns.

- Bongos [DEAD] - Replaced by Dominos
- Discord Unit Frames [still around] - DUF has some serious issues and is in desperate need of a complete rewrite. Will likely be replaced by DUF 2 if anything does move in this arena
- a number of the custom Mazzle mods are either broken or have some issues with 3.x. The Mazzlefier dpends on Bongos however with Bongos now broken, the Mazzlefier will barf errors and fail to complete the job.
- a number of other mod's "guts" have completely replaced with newer libs (most of the Ace2 based mods now use Ace3, FuBar uses Rock).
- Some mods are completely replaced by default Blizzard functions and mods that depend on those other mods are broken (Threat 1.0/2.0, ParserLib, etc).

Several people have taken stabs at revamping MazzleUI and even got Mazzle's tacit approval, however nothing has ever come from these efforts. Past maintainers have disappeared, possibly due to the amount of work that is needed to maintain MazzleUI in a form that is usable by most players. Mazzle no longer plays WoW nor as she played WoW for a couple of years.

In short MazzleUI is dead. You can take the art panels and using current mods, build yourself a Mazzle look-alike that will have much the same look and feel of MazzleUI. However you will not get alot of the automation (such as the bar-set up) that Mazzle had.
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