Thread: RealUI
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04-13-13, 06:09 AM   #1095
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 27
Originally Posted by Nomaddc View Post
Would be nice to make some good filters setup for Target debuffs and buffs (for pve), as I noticed that some important debuffs fail to display (like curse of elements (and alikes), armor debuffs (only ones that affect raid ofc), some boss specific debuffs/buffs, ress sickness, etc.) and some important buffs too (on some bosses boss gets buff, but it doesn't display sometimes, also would like to see more buffs on players - seals on paladins, and other pretty important stuff (like Presence of mind on mages or strong HoTs).
CoE does display as a bar, but it isn't included in the HUD (which is just fine as CoE lasts a while and probably won't need to be reapplied). I had no real problem with tracking CoE and this UI has made it easier to see when targets are affected by my auras.