Thread: Debuff list?
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05-29-11, 12:48 PM   #4
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At present, the answer to both questions is no...

The reason you don't get tooltips on the debuffs in the HUD is because they have to be mouse enabled to permit them to show tooltips and if they are mouse enabled, they interfere with your ability to click in the field of play, even when "hidden" -- if that's not an issue for you, however, you can enable them yourself.

Using a plain text editor like Notepad, edit [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > HUDLayouts > {hud mode} > nUI_HUDSkin_{hud mode}_Player.lua ] where {hud mode} is one of PlayerTarget, HealthPower, etc. depending on which one you use. Search the file for the key ["Aura"] and look in the options portion of the first block, [1]... change clickable = false to clickable = true and save the file. After you've saved the file do a '/nui rl' and voila... the tooltips on your debuffs will work. If you want to enable toolbuffs on the HUD target, your pet and ToT then just repeat the process in their corresponding skin files.

As for customizing the auras on the party/raid frames. Not so easy there. You *can* but its work. You'll need to play with the options in the corresponding skin files located in [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > UnitPanels > {panel mode} ] depending on which panel (Solo, Party, Raid10, etc.) that you're trying to customize and which unit frame (Player, Target, Vehicle, PartyMember, etc.) you want to tweak. After that, it's just a case of playing with the options to get the effect you want.

nUI6 modifies how debuffs are handled on unit frames and instead of trying to show you every one, shows you the class of debuff they have on them on the unit frame so you know what to dispell and gives you a listing of the buffs you have active on them in the tooltip when you mouse over the unit frame. You can play with that, too, if you want to grab a copy of the current nUI6 alpha release.

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